Legal Information


The Chat Duck Search, along with all the content provided through it, is offered without any guarantees or warranties of any kind, be it express or implied. The developer of Chat Duck Search disclaims liability for any damage, loss, or harm resulting from your use of the plugin.

While every effort is made to provide accurate and helpful information via Chat Duck Search, the truthfulness, reliability, or accuracy of any information dispensed through the plugin cannot be guaranteed. Users should use Chat Duck Search at their own risk.

Privacy Policy

Chat Duck Search does not collect any personal information. We reserve the right to update this policy as needed. Any changes will be posted on this page, and by continuing to use Chat Duck Search after these changes are made, you signify your acceptance of these changes and agree to comply with the updated policy.


Chat Duck Search is developed in accordance with the following guidelines and terms of service:

Third-party Software

Chat Duck Search incorporates the following third-party software:


Legal information for Chat Duck Search was established.